
Hi, I'm Yisharjal.

I'm a perfectly normal Duskwight girl living in Ul'dah. Absolutely nothing to worry about.

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Frequently Asked Questions*

*Uh, they aren't really "frequently asked," or even "commonly asked," but they're questions I'd ask me if I didn't know me. Or wasn't me.

What's with the weird name?
There's nothing weird about my name.
It's basically unpronounceable.
Oh. Well, it's a nickname. And definitely not a demon name. I'm actually Etienette Delachaise.

That sounds better. Are you from Gridania?
Born and raised.
But you're a Duskwight.
Childhood was tough.
And now you're living in Ul'dah?
I wanted to go somewhere where no one knew me yet.
I made some enemies. Next question.

Why do you have horns and a tail?
I don't have horns and a tail. What are you talking about?
I saw you with horns and a tail once when you sneaked cookies from the Silver Trust's kitchen.
Uh, that's creepy. And I needed a snack. Also, I like horns and tails. They help me keep my balance.
That's kinda weird.
You're kinda weird.

So, are you really studying the healing properties of music?
I am! It's really neat. The bards of old had ways of using music to soothe, promote healing, and even increase a fellow fighter's damage output. So, why not take that to the next level? Maybe music can heal in and of itself. (And maybe it can do damage too. If you've ever stood beside a bass drum player, you'll agree.)
Neat. What else are you up to?
I joined the Silver Trust in order to be a part of something. And to have somewhere to live. Hopefully I'll be able to help them in a medical capacity. And I can take care of any more voidsent they happen across. Less friendly ones, I mean.
Less friendly than what?
Oh look at that, my shoes are done in the oven. Lovely chat. Talk soon, yes?


To all appearances, the young woman known as Yisharjal is Etienette Delachaise, a Duskwight from Gridania. Formerly a student of conjury, she became interested in the intersection between music and healing, and has been studying music as therapy via aetherial applications. She regularly conducted trials and was the author of many treatises on related subjects. Her work was never dismissed out of hand, as the idea that the capabilities of aether can be influenced by outside factors is an established one, but neither did she have the unabashed approval of her peers.
As a researcher, she gained a reputation for being brash, aggressive, and punishing, particularly towards her assistants. Some of her peers offered up the suggestion that she was being viewed that way due to her Duskwight heritage, but the Wildwood scholars she has worked with were quick to dispose of that theory.
Over time, she began to behave erratically, confiding to her few friends that she felt eyes on her constantly and that she feared for her life. No public threats had been issued, but she was on the cusp of revealing findings that, according to her, would revolutionize the practice of conjury, and some conjurers voiced concerns in response.
Days before she was to demonstrate her findings, though, she made a very sudden move to Ul'dah, where she now lives and works with the Silver Trust, applying her skills as a medic and her apparent familiarity with voidkin.

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Yisharjal is in fact a succubus who crossed from the Void (aka the Thirteenth) to the Source during a series of very unfortunate events. The original Etienette Delachaise was recently deceased, and provided a suitable vessel for Yisharjal to inhabit. Upon learning of Etienne's past, she chose to flee Gridania; by following the paths of various individuals she came across, she wound up at the Silver Trust's headquarters. One of the labs therein offered a choice source of aether for her to consume.
She remembers very little of her world before it became the Void, but the longer she occupies a human form on the Source, the more she keeps finding odd little traits that must have belonged to her at some point. Some of them are attributable to the Echo, or something like the Echo, which would suggest that she was an adventurer and/or hero at some point.
In the Void, though, she commanded a respectable amount of power, enough to command a small army and invoke fear in any who opposed her. Yet it was this same power that resulted in her fleeing the Thirteenth, since no amount of power is ever enough to make someone truly safe there.
She considers herself as having claimed sanctuary on the Source, and thus goes to lengths to not disturb the lives around her too much. She still requires aether, but that isn't hard to come by in Eorzea; and she's still a succubus, but she's been able to manage her natural inclinations in that respect. So far.